River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme

River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme

Earlier this month we mentioned working with Municipal District of Bray, Wicklow County Council and the Office of Public Works (OPW) on a communication plan for the River Dargle Flood Defence Scheme. The scheme is required to protect both property, but more importantly, lives in Little Bray.

Together are aim is to keep Bray and particularly the residents living near the Dargle River, fully informed of the schemes progress at every stage.

We will increase our communication output, driving awareness while making sure that these updates are easily accessible including:

  • Issuing a bi monthly newsletter by post and online.
  • Having a dedicated page on www.bray.ie, which will be updated regularly with the schemes latest news, answering your questions and scheme photographs.
  • Social media engagement on Facebook, Twitter and You Tube.

See Bray.ie for more information!